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Badminton coach

US Tennis Academy Foundation


1. Main activities and goals of the USTA TK badminton department

US Tennis Academy Foundation

1. Main activities and goals of the USTA TK badminton department

The main activity of the badminton department is aimed at cultivating and promoting badminton, offering opportunities for sports training and personality development in accordance with the developed curriculum.
1.1. Goals:
1. Creating opportunities for sports and self-realization for children and young people.
2. Multifaceted physical development of young people, formation of sports lifestyles and healthy habits.
3. Furnishing young people's free time with activities based on the rules of an interesting, sporty and fair game in order to cultivate honesty, a sense of duty, law-abidingness and other positive character traits in young people.
4. Organization of the study-training work and competition activities of the badminton department during free time from studies of general education, vocational or higher education studies, taking into account the daily schedule and workload caused by the students' studies and professional work.
5. Finding and preparing talented young people to achieve top results.
6. Systematic adherence to the training and competition schedule, development of students' practical and theoretical skills in order to reach the maximum result according to their individual abilities.
7. Giving students sports theoretical and practical skills for independent training and continuing health sports after giving up competitive sports.

2. Conditions for starting studies

1. A child who has expressed a desire to do so will be accepted as a student at SA USTA Tennis School (hereinafter School) based on a written application by his parent or legal representative, according to the school's possibilities and conditions.
The study is completed when the student turns 18 or with the completion of high school. In exceptional cases, such as a student's high sportsmanship and motivation, they can also study at school
older students.
2. All applicants who meet the requirements for starting studies are accepted. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the school's capacity, admission tests are organized to compile a ranking of candidates.
3. Students are divided into study-training groups according to age, level of athletic preparation and, if possible, the student's wishes.
4. A written contract is concluded between the student and the School, which confirms the rights and obligations of the parties. Those who wish to get acquainted with the study organization and plans of the tennis school can familiarize themselves with it before the beginning of their studies.

Badminton racket
Badminton racket

3. Duration of the study period

1. The study time depends on the student's physical requirements and set athletic goals. The nominal duration of schooling is 8 years.
2. The amount of study depending on the level of training is:
• At the initial preparation level, 4-6 academic hours per week
• At the training level, 6-8 academic hours per week
• At the level of sportsmanship, 8-10 academic hours per week
3. The transfer of students to the next level study group takes place when the student has acquired the technical and practical knowledge and skills prescribed in the syllabus. When moving from one level to another, the student's coach and the School's coaches are the decision-makers.
4. In order to graduate from school, the student must complete all preparatory steps. The graduate will be given a corresponding graduation certificate.
5. To a student who has entered the School later or who for some other reason does not go through all three preparatory stages, the school will issue a diploma when they turn 18 according to the level the student has achieved.

4. Basic forms of training

1. Practical training classes (general and professional training)
2. Individual training lessons (special professional preparation)
3. Theoretical preparation (conversations and lectures on sports physiology, sports psychology,
video analysis).
4. Participation in competitions (beginner tournaments, Youth GP stages, to the calendar of the Estonian Badminton Association
competitions included. If possible, pre-competition preparation camps and summer camps).

Badminton racket

5. Content and form of studies (1/2)

The fundamentals of the educational and training work of the school's badminton department are the organization of systematic, regularly held training sessions, teaching the theoretical foundations of badminton technique. An additional form of educational training is familiarization with other sports, instructor and referee practice.
5.1. Topics to be covered during studies in the badminton department:
Movement technique
Impact technique
Tactical preparation
Physical preparation
Promotion of sports lifestyles and health
Psychological preparation
Transfer of acquired knowledge
Preparation for work as court judge, badminton coach, sports organizer
5.2. Gradation of study
According to the age and level of sports training and abilities of the students, there are
training work is divided into three different levels.
1. Level of initial preparation
The goals are to create a habit of playing sports, to promote versatile physical development.
The focus is on the development of dexterity, coordination and speed, arousing a permanent interest in badminton
as against competitive sports. Basic movement and hitting technique teaching. Dating made easier
with game tactics.
2. Study-training level
Strengthening of health and promotion of proper physical development, continuous improvement of physical training continues. Improving movement and hitting technique and focusing on economical use. Choice of game tactics appropriate to the situation. Ensuring competition practice and shaping the player's style. Adapting to the competition situation and creating a personal competition routine.
3. Degree of mastery
The goal of the mastery level is professional preparation, taking into account the individual needs of the students
properties. The goals are continued general and professional physical training. High-level technical and
achieving tactical preparation. Achieving stability in different competition conditions.

5. Content and form of studies (2/2)

5.3. Õppetöö jaotumine ning selle osadõpilaste mitmeaastane õppe-treeningprotsess hõlmab õpilasi alates 6 aastastest kuni 18 aastasteni.Kuna õpilaste arengu kiirus erinev, tuleb treeningastmetesse suhtuda paindlikult. Andekamaidsaab vajadusel edutada kõrgemasse astmesse, et tagada sujuv ning pidev areng võrdsetetreeningpartneritega.Kogu õppe-treeningprotsess jaguneb aastasteks tsükliteks. Aastane õppe-treeningprotsess jagunebomakorda kaheks poolaasta tsükliks (sügis-talvine ja suvine).Poolaasta tsükkel koosneb ettevalmistus-, võistlus- ja üleminekuperioodist.Võistlustegevus toimub vastavalt õpilaste tasemele ja oskustele, mis on ettevalmistusperioodikontrolliks. Sportliku taseme täiustamisel võistlussagedus tiheneb ja võistlused muutuvadtähtsamaks osaks õppeprogrammis. Vastavalt võistlustulemustele ehitatakse üles uus üleminekuja ettevalmistusperiood.5.4. Osavõtt võistlustestAlgettevalmistuse astme õpilased võtavad osa rühma- ja koolisisestest võistlustest. Samuti onvõimalik osa võtta ülelinnalistest algajatele suunatud võistlustest ning sõpruskohtumistest teisteklubidega. See aitab näidata tehtud töö efektiivsust ja vahetada kogemusi teiste treeneritega.Õppe-treeningastme õpilased võistlevad koolisisestel, lahtistel, vabariiklikel ja sõprusvõistlustel,tugevamad ka rahvusvahelistel võistlustel.Meisterlikkuse astme eesmärk on anda järelkasvu Eesti noorte ja täiskasvanute koondisele.5.5. Õpilaste arengu hindamine kooli kõikides astmetes.Liigutuslike oskuste ja sporditehnika aluste omandamise edukust määratletakseeksperthinnanguna õppe-treeningprotsessis ja võistlustel tehtud treenerite tähelepanekute alusel.Samal meetodil hinnatakse ka õpilaste psüühiliste ja tahteomaduste ning huvide ja kalduvustekujunemist.Õpilasele antakse tagasisidet treeneri poolt jooksvalt õppetöö käigus.Treeneril on soovituslik kasutada ka regulaarseid füüsiliste omaduste ning erialase vilumusekatsete läbiviimisi hindamaks õpilaste arengut kindlaksmääratud ajaperioodi järel.Õpilaste üleviimine ettevalmistuse astmelt astmele toimub vastavalt treenerite eksperthinnanguleja saavutatud sportlikele tulemustele. Kooli lõpetamise piiranguks on vanus, millele vastavaltnoorsportlane läheb üle täiskasvanute klassi.

Badminton racket closeup shot
Shuttlecock dark shot

6. Study-training work planning at different stages of preparation (1/3

6.1. The degree of initial preparation
1. Theoretical preparation
Sports training and its components - strengthening health, developing physical abilities, learning sports techniques, developing mental abilities and willpower.
Good health - Correct daily routine and diet. Rules of hygiene, tempering, prevention of colds and injuries.
Versatile sports during the basic training phase - the basis of future success. Ways of additional independent practice (morning and home gymnastics), the importance of physical work in general
in the development of strength and endurance, flexibility and willpower.
Competition regulations.
Competition uniform clothing.
Vocabulary of judges.
2. Practical preparation
Varied movement games and sports games with simplified rules (football, volleyball, basketball, etc.)
Endurance running, interval running, accelerations.
Various running, jumping and throwing exercises and techniques both indoors and outdoors.
3. Stroke technique Racket holding
Playful standby and game center
Tension and laxity on impact
Balling and receiving the ball
Basic kicks with a forearm twist
The goal is for the young athlete to master the largest possible repertoire of shots at a technically satisfactory level.
4. Movement technique
Development of speed, coordination and rhythm
Movement back to the game center after a shot
Movement to the corners of the field
5. Tactics
Basic Tactical Basics.
Moving the opponent back and forth, side to side
Pressuring the opponent's backhand corner

6. Study-training work planning at different stages of preparation (2/3)

6.2. Study-training level
1. Theoretical preparation
A brief overview of the development and current state of badminton in the world, Europe and Estonia.
Human anatomy and functions. Physical abilities and their development. Sports medicine and
athlete's self-control. Sports injuries and damage, their causes, prevention,
first aid and treatment. Massage as a means of recovery.
Training planning and accounting. Structure of the training year. Year, month and week
training processes. Training notebook and training summaries.
Badminton competition regulations, participation in competitions as court judge (court, serve or
as line judge)
Badminton's relation to further education and career choice plans.
2. Practical preparation
Participation in competitions from autumn to spring. Improving technique and tactics with professional exercises.
Development of physical abilities and strength machines, lifting bar, etc. with means. General body
they ensure preparation, strengthen health, accelerate recovery, offer mental variety
areas and exercises (athletics, football, basketball, indoor hockey).
Improving the technique of badminton when performing different shots: high-long, lob, drop ball, cut
ball, the importance and skill of the net game, the diagonal of the net, different backhand shots, slack-tension
alternation in blows
3. Impact technique
Defensive shots, offensive shots, jump shots.
Combining basic strokes with economical movement
Different punch and movement combinations
4. Movement technique
Reaction speed, speed development, economy on the field
Various jumping exercises
Chassee steps, racket hand foot in front
Malay step
Cross step through front and back
Jump shots
5. Tactics
Assessing own/opponent's strengths/weaknesses
Choice of ball.
Network dominance
Zero shot
Incorporating decoy shots into the game

Badminton player
Tennisekool - kooli põhikiri 5_Rasmus Kooskora_4634_edited.jpg

6. Planning study-training work at different stages of preparation (3/3)

6.3. Level of sportsmanship1. Theoretical preparation, kinematic, dynamic and psychological structure of the technique. The connection of the technique with the specifics of the athlete's physical abilities. Errors in technique, their causes, ways to eliminate them. Video analysis. Tools and methods for developing physical abilities and their use at different training stages. Top form of an athlete and its timing. Preparation for major competitions and competition tactics. Training and competition during the exam session and school holidays. Sports massage and self-massage. Other means that speed up and promote recovery (active, passive rest, sleep, relaxing and restorative running, water procedures, sauna, etc.) Psychological preparation. A sporty lifestyle, or training, lasts 24 hours a day. Practical training Regular competition, improvement of technique and tactics and polishing. Other sports to ensure the versatility of professional physical training. Sports and exercises that provide variety and speed up recovery. Improving and honing all badminton shots. Completing game tasks using different shots and tactical combinations: one-sided drop mill, two-sided drop mill, bog mill, two-sided bog mill, "triangle", etc. Game two partners against one with different with tasks. Training matches (both singles and doubles) with different tactical combinations. Conduct training classes at the elementary level. When conducting both theoretical and practical classes, take into account the latest recommendations made by researchers. 3. Hitting techniqueStrike resistance and accuracySpecial kicks - sticksmash, net spins, cuts in and out, improvement of deception kicks. Basic and special kicks in connection with effective and fast movement. 4. Movement technique Development of movement speed Speed endurance General strength, jumping exercises Rhythm of the game and explosive acceleration from the game center Ways of movement while working as a single team in doubles5. Tactics Increasing impact resistance and accuracy Several tactical solutions for one situation Reading, predicting the opponent's game Finding a suitable tactical solution in moments of crisis

7. SA USTA Tennis School graduate of the badminton department

Has developed as a more versatile, responsible personality, developed his communication skills, can appreciate the importance of health promotion.
Has improved his professional skills, abilities and knowledge.
Has received preparation for a possible professional application for physical education.
Has contributed to ensuring the continuity of Estonian sports traditions.

Shuttlecocks on badminton racket
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